
Server Features cerv.id is an SRB2Kart server with restraint for newcomers, and some spice for veterans.



Juicebox is the basis for the balance of cerv.id, affording newer players a fighting chance with its heavy-handed approach to rubber banding. Gates, along with technical recoveries and instant respawns, keep the pack close and competition fierce and engaging.



While Juicebox rubber-bands players and gives more players a fighting chance, Acrobatics does quite the opposite, adding another level of complexity and skill expression that lets veteran players flex their experience.

cerv.id has a unique version of Acro, as official development stopped in 2021. This version changes up Store and Augment to bring them up to speed with the state of the game in currentYear, and introduces a healthy number of fixes and QOL changes.



With Juicebox's technical recovery giving all players the thing that made Store so powerful in the first place, its power has been shifted instead towards a more mobile, evasive playstyle that avoids damage in the first place, rather than recovers from it well.

Store can be played in many unique ways. Store users can fire any momentum-inheriting item immediately after Zipping to "supercharge" it! Heavies are great at headhunting with their wide range of angles, and can bump players with the force of a hundred eggmen! Slower characters with stronger Zips are great at storing momentum over jumps! Faster characters excel at small, frequent adjustments to their line due to the lower cost of Zipping!


Augment is functionally sound. However, it has long gone unchecked as the meta trickstyle. The changes made to Aug are intended to punish players who are frontrunning with meta stats, and help players who have fallen behind survive the pack just a bit better.
